• Specialist care home designer Southern Ireland recent comments
Went back to recently completed luxury care home and although the premises were spotlessly clean the pleasant background smell of new paint and carpets which prevailed on completion was replaced by a stale unpleasant background odour. On investigation he could only conclude that the new building fabric had absorbed the airborne odours associated with care for the elderly in only three months.
• Older care homes experience odour ingress into the building fabric even more so even whilst the cleaning standards are impeccable the background mall odours can still prevail.
• When carers return home from work a common complaint is their partners and children often complain about the odour from their clothes.
• Carers and care home management can also become nose blind they cannot understand when residents’ relatives continue to complain about odours that they cannot smell anything.
• One clients care home manager said when I returned from a fortnights holiday the unpleasant homes odours appalled her as she walked through the front door and she admitted I honestly never noticed it before.
• One carer said we can’t open the windows in the winter and the air gets stale and unpleasant. I always used to feel tired around four o’clock probably due to the central heating and poor air quality. Since we have Airsteril installed other members of staff and me have noticed the difference, we don’t feel so physically drained anymore.
With AIRsteril, unpleasant odours will be eradicated and so will the complaints, with the added reassurance of infection control for all.
First impressions count
Maintaining cleaning standards ensures that any odours are reduced wherever possible, even efforts to wash furnishings or clear odours with fragrances can add an unpleasant staleness to the air which is noticeable to visitors. As newcomers to the home, visitors will always be more sensitive to odours than staff or residents. This is where AIRsteril can help.
Continuously reduce bacteria and viruses 24/7
Proven to eliminate MRSA, Norovirus, Streptococcus Aureus, E-Coli, Listeria, Coronavirus, Aspergillus Fumigatus, Pichia Anomala Clostridium Difficile and many more.
The custom designed catalyst baffle system ensures that contaminated air processed through every unit achieves optimum dwell time within the purifying chamber in the presence of the specialist Ultraviolet lamp, killing microorganisms including bacteria, viruses mould and fungi. As the processed air leaves the unit it becomes an efficient cleaning agent, destroying odours and removing contaminates from the air 24/7.
Independent laboratory and field testing by multiple internationally recognised laboratories demonstrates how AIRsteril technology can reduce contamination both in the air and on surfaces around the clock. Our technology is effective against bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi and volatile organic compounds whilst being completely safe to use in occupied areas.
AIRsteril provides units to cover wide open spaces as well as the smallest rooms, improving cleanliness and infection control. Additionally, odours are removed as is the need for cleaning chemicals and masking perfumes. Staff turnover and absenteeism are reduced by tackling surface and airborne bacteria and viruses. Regulations are complied with, while the units require minimal maintenance and do not interfere with everyday operations.